When a student solves a math problem for class there is generally some amount prior knowledge application, and an application of the new knowledge the student is learning. What if they also did it in that order? One way to
Read MoreThere are two camps when it comes to due dates. One holds firm that no matter what “in the real world there are no extensions”. These happen if you’re applying for a government contract, or even just buying a house.
Read MoreOne of the most famous bug bounty systems was the Knuth Reward Check. Donald Knuth sent out reward cheques for finding typos and other errors in his books. The idea being to reward those that found and provided helpful suggestions
Read MorePeer evaluations can be an effective tool for encouraging collaboration and improving submitted work. Peer evaluations are especially useful in an online environment as in-person students typically trade and discuss paper assignments handed back in class, but this opportunity rarely
Read MoreMyOpenMath is a free open source platform for learning and assessment. As the name implies, MyOpenMath was originally designed for math content, and shines where mathematics are needed in the question text and/or the final answer, but can be used
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